Canada-Wide Live Virtual Training:
Respect & Civility for Employees and Managers


Reset your Workplace Culture:

Do some values and behaviours need to be reset within your workplace culture?

There can be a number of reasons why workplace teams need to re-establish appropriate boundaries. HR Proactive’s training program and activity helps employees and managers get back on a positive path towards maintaining a respectful workplace in the new normal.

Our Live ‘Respect & Civility Training’ is not about the law but rather focuses on why a respectful workplace is important. Training compliments Code of Conduct, Harassment and other related Policies. The Agenda can be customized to meet your requirements whether it is specific to employee or manager training, groups or one-on-one. This 2.5 hour virtual, instructor-led session is presented using an online platform such as Zoom or WebEx.



  • Improved morale
  • Increased productivity
  • Greater job satisfaction
  • Perception of fairness
  • Enhanced relationships


Click to view the program content.


Our live Canada-wide virtual Respect and Civility in the Workplace session for employees includes:

  • Respect & Civility 15-minute video
  • How to set an example to promote Respect & Civility in the Workplace
  • How to enhance relationships with co-workers, customers and the public
  • How to perceive fairness
  • Ways to promote a Respectful and Civil Workplace
  • Tips for a Respectful and Civil Workplace
  • Experiential Learning Activity (Optional)
    • Questions presented for group discussion on what a respectful and civil workplace looks like to employees;
    • Employees develop and implement a Respectful Workplace Charter based on answers to discussion questions.


Employers wanting to create a respectful workplace as part of their corporate identity ensure Code of Conduct Standards are enforced and Workplace Harassment & Discrimination Policies are followed as intended.

Employees will recognize the impact their words and actions can have on others.

Employee Learning Objectives

  • Describe a respectful and civil workplace
  • Understand the importance of respect in the workplace
  • Review the skills and attitudes needed to effectively demonstrate respectful behaviour
  • How to identify disrespectful behaviour
  • Learn the proper methods to address disrespectful behaviour
  • Tips to create and maintain respect in your workplace culture


Manager and Leader Readiness – What role will Managers and Leaders play in the culture shift, and what do you need them to know, feel, and do to be successful? Be sure that Leaders understand their important role in modelling new behaviours, communicating expectations, and guiding employees to a new way of working. Pay special attention to preparing front-line leader for their communication role in leading the change.


Manager training modules includes:

  • Personal Conduct for Managers
  • Managing Workplace Conflict
  • Communication and Coaching for Leaders


Manager Add-on Learning Objectives

  • Define personal conduct and recognize how you model personal conduct as a leader
  • Identify and determine how to address conflict situations and steps to take to resolve inter-personal workplace conflict
  • Recognize leadership, communication and coaching techniques


Takeaway: Participants will be provided with a Respect and Civility in the Workplace: Ten Tips handout as a quick resource.


Call us at 1.888.552.1155 or email to book your Live Virtual Respect & Civility in the Workplace Training Session for Employees and Managers.

To create and maintain a respectful and civil workplace, we need to extend kindness, courtesy, restraint, and respect to our co-workers. How respected employees feel, reflects in their interactions both inside and outside of the workplace. Empower Employees to be the first line of defense with HR Proactive’s new Bystander Intervention Training:

HR Proactive offers a blended learning solution with our Online Respectful Workplace Harassment Prevention Training. This training will benefit new hires and can be rolled-out as an employee refresher course. Visit:

Visit for information on our Canada-wide Virtual Prevention of Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace training.

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